Monday, 19 March 2012

Reimbursed a little, pay a lot-oh

Before I start may I send my thoughts to the poor lost soul who fell and to the poor, poor driver of the train involved at Surbiton. Moments like this are, of course, completely out of the control of SWTrains.

But what is in their control is to manage the shit storm that follows, both from a logistical and emotional point of view. Fair play to @SW_Trains that team really did do their best, but even then, the emotional overtook and there was unnecessary use of sarcasm and often emotive retorts where they were not warranted. I even witnessed an old contact of mine getting irate and I've known the guy for years, he is just not like that. But when faced with 'email here' or 'if you check our Charter' he rightly felt aggrieved. 

I have mentioned this unholy Charter (A Delay Testament if you will) before. I took the time to read it today. Following the mornings delay, I thought I would print it out and read it on the journey home, which, as luck would have it, was delayed. Or in the words of the charter 'incidents that are caused by incidents beyond the control of the rail industry'. Fair enough, but this list also includes something rather ambiguous: "If we have published in advance an alternative timetable". So if I am reading that right, if you tell me in advance (note they do not offer a time frame) then I cannot claim? Riiiight, well that's super. And how clever of you, you can therefore negate the need to pay anyone most of the time.  

And even when you do, the amount is so measly that I have even been contacted by people telling me their exact figures. To summarise their woes; I get a little and pay a lot-oh. Coincidentally that is what I think of the overall service. 

To qualify for this discount (amount of which I will get to) you need to buy either a monthly or yearly ticket. Rather pointing passengers in the direction of increased lining of Shoveller et al's pockets. So if, like me, you buy weekly or daily tickets you can f off, basically. And what amount do you get if you do qualify? 5% (or 10% if the ever more spurious "reliability figures" are not reached), which sounds great but don't forget earlier about that spurious exclusion. And to get this meagre offering, 88-95% punctuality  rates (depending on service) need to have been missed. Which we all know happens, but which mysteriously disappear with a few information updates on their website. Oh and a bit like when you get vouchers in high street stores, any reimbursement you do get is in the form of #SWTrains vouchers. Am hoping for some in a birthday card myself! 

Highly commended moments of the Passengers Charter that I didn't have time to get into detail about due to trying to watch The Killing: 

- "We work to make sure a person's disability is not a barrier to using our service" I have witnessed passengers asking the twitter account to help them due to things like cyclists taking up seats and there has been no change to these people's situation 

- "We always aim to provide as many seats as we can to minimise the number of passengers who have to stand" An insult, certainly on my route, where if you get on after my stop, you have no chance at peak times. And that is 30 minutes (if the service manages to be "95% punctual" to use their parlance). And I have heard from a lot of people who live further out and stand for much longer than that. 

- "Closed circuit TV at all South West Trains" and yet it took one irate Australian man and a camera to catch that blasted #phonethief The guard at the station (who was shown clearly) let the thief past. Even though aforementioned chap was screaming at him for help. 

- On a lighter note they "offer expectant mothers who are holders of a Monthly or longer Season ticket" (apparently mothers who just travel on the day/week don't deserve this) a complimentary upgrade to First travel when no Standard Class seat is available. 

So you lucky lucky ladies, get procreating! 

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